Welcome to the Patrick County Family Discipleship Cohort!

"I am the vine; you are the branches.  Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing." (John 15:5)

Welcome back to Patrick County, VA!  

This site has all the growing info you need to get connected to the Church of Patrick County and surrounding areas! From local church families, businesses, and organizations, to intentional small community groups of followers of Jesus Christ, our goal is to pursue families for the sake of the Gospel of Hope in Him alone.

Thanks to the members of Patrick County, VA and surrounding areas for contributing to the vision to pursue unity as ONE Church amongst our community.  This cohort represents intentional followers of Jesus Christ who intentionally work, live, and play in various capacities throughout our area.

CLICK Here to contact us about becoming an intentional part of the 

PC Family Discipleship Cohort

To serve by making a donation towards this event please follow the link above to make an online tax deductible contribution; or, mail checks c/o: 

Springs of Life Camp, P.O. Box 73, Patrick Springs, VA 24133